Monday Love: ice cream!

Photos: MVS - Martina Voigt Schmid, Styling: Sophie Sutton
Ice cream Photos: Andrew McCaul (2nd) and Debra McClinton(4th), both via Country Living

Delicious homemade ice cream is what i'm dreaming of on a day as hot as this one! Last year, on my visit to New-York City i've been to a gorgeous place in the East village called "Sundaes and Cones".
It was a tip from my friend Sophie Sutton and we went there with her gorgeous daughter Olivia and her friend Francesca to take some pictures for a story about NY with kids in KidsLife.
We dressed the girls in vintage, icecream-colored dresses and had so much fun. The girls looked adorable, the ice cream was delicious and the place had this laid back, relaxed atmosphere - really cool!

As much as i love ice cream, i often find it too sweet - so, making some at home seems like a good idea. If you feel inspired, you'll find an easy tutorial here.


  1. Martina dearest, what STUNNING PHOTOS and friendship over several scoops of luscious vanilla ice cream conjure up great memories of childhood....what an interesting job you have dearest, to be involved in the creating of such special issues of magazines! BRAVO! Anita

  2. Those pictures make me want to run out to get some ice cream!The temperature last night was at 111 Farenheit! I needed some ice cream then!

  3. All these photos are ADORABLE, Martina. You've captured the cute girls just perfect! Have a happy happy Tuesday. xx

  4. Gorgeous photos! I really want to try making my own ice cream one of these days.
    Your blog is so lovely!

  5. Well this made me want some ice cream! These pictures are beautiful. Clear talent here. And some darn good genes in getting cute kids! ;)


  6. Martina i loooove this post!!!!
    really beautiful!!!
    thanks and greetings from spain

  7. Mmm, ice cream! I've been eating lots of it this summer so far, keeps me cool in the hot hot heat.

  8. Soooo sweet...I have not seen that lovely hair wool ribbon in years..boy does that bring back memories..I wore my hair just like that sweet girl. xoxoo
    Looked like such a fun day. xo

  9. Icecream and friendship? Yes, please!;-)


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